Thursday 9 October 2008

Siobhan and Squeak

I met Siobham earlier in the year when I went on the fabulous David Williams workshop in North Yorkshire. One thing most photographers with children have in common is that they never have pictures taken of themselves with their own children. They may take plenty of pictures of their children, but they don't usually get to be in the pictures too.

So, on the workshop Siobhan and I agreed that at some point she would come up to visit me with her daughter Squeak (aka Aisling) and I'd take some pictures. They came up recently, thankfully on a dry and relatively sunny day, and I gave them a tour of some of my 'secret' local locations before we met up with another local photographer, Mark Betts, for lunch (which has got me thinking; what's the collective noun for photographers? Answers on a postcard, please).

Anyway, these are some of my favourite images from the session.

Firstly, Squeak:

And most importantly, Siobhan and Squeak together:

It was great to see you again, and I hope you like the results!


ioioi said...

Nice shots Nigel



Siobhan said...

Thanks so much Nigel
The photographs you took are fantastic - they get better each time I look at them.
We had great fun during the session too - I particularly enjoyed "Balloon-gate".
Thanks again Siobhan & Squeak

David A Williams said...

Gooday Nigel,

You seem to have committed a 'random act of kindness' for another photographer...

Blessings be upon you.

Isn't it wonderful what we do?

"When we photograph what we see with our hearts"...(my quote - no pinching!)
